HealthGirl Blog

Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Hang Out Together!

Why Online Classes Can Be Better for You! Mar 02, 2023

Yep, it's winters like this one that I'm so glad I both teach and practice my wellness online.

Don't get me wrong, in person classes are great, but when there is a snowstorm, or extreme cold, or icy conditions, I'll be honest:

There is no way I'm getting into a car, driving to a class, and then...

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Get Better Sleep - Short Overview Mar 01, 2023

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Sleep - we all need it, and most of my clients and students will tell me they don't seem to get enough, so today is a quick overview on some ways to get better sleep. 

Stay tuned for next week...

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Technique Tuesday - Warrior 2 Part 3 Feb 28, 2023

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Let’s continue our Technique Tuesday series with another exploration of Warrior 2, Maha Virabhadrasana or Virabhadrasana 2.

This is a series of videos where each video shows different modifications to help...

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Begin Your Journey of Self Love Feb 27, 2023

“It has to end, you know. The self-hatred. The collective shaming. The disdain for the other. The emotional armor.

The buried pain. The displaced humans. The misplaced kindness. The repressed trauma. The fake positivity. The meaningless materialism. The forgotten heart.

It has to begin, you...

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Cold Weather? No Problem! Feb 25, 2023

Woke up to this today. Ugh.

It’s days like today that I’m even more grateful that my students and I have the AnyTime Studio to keep us consistent in our wellness.

Just a few things I love about it:

  • Unlimited access 24/7, wherever you have internet.
  • Free live classes 3 times per...
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Oops, That Didn't Quite Work Out Feb 21, 2023

I tweaked my back 😫

And while normally when this happens (every 5 years or so) I rest for a few days, recover and come back fine, I would usually give myself crap for “doing nothing” while recovering.

Ever do that to yourself?

You’re sick or injured, and instead of giving...

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Happy Family Day! Feb 20, 2023

A Happy Family Day, from our little family to yours.

Today is a day off for us, no email going out, but stay tuned for more starting tomorrow!

Whether you have the time off or not, give yourself a moment to appreciate the family you have, and always remember, family is who you choose and who...

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Wellness Wednesday - 5 Basics of Self Care Explained Feb 15, 2023

Last week you got an overview of what the 5 Basics of Self Care are.

Today, we go into detail, giving you a more thorough look at how this can actually look in your daily life.  

Remember the basics?  






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Technique Tuesday - Warrior 2 Part 2 Feb 14, 2023

Make sure to sign up for our emails to get this delivered to your inbox each week!

Let’s continue our Technique Tuesday series with another exploration of Warrior 2, Maha Virabhadrasana or Virabhadrasana 2.

This is a series of videos where each video shows different modifications to help...

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Motivation Monday - Constant Busyness Isn't Productivity, It's Trauma Feb 13, 2023

“Feeling the need to be busy all the time is a trauma-based response and fear-based distraction from what you’d be forced to acknowledge and feel if you slowed down.” - Maxine Carter

Isn't this the truth? Unfortunately, I do speak from experience. It wasn't until I slowed down...

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Self Care Saturday - Present & Deliberate Feb 11, 2023

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Self Care Saturday is important. 

Self care every day is vital, really. 

Your physical and mental health depends on it. 

And it doesn’t have to be much. 

Today’s self care looked like a slow morning with my journal, my Daily Stoic...

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Foodie Friday - No-Sugar-Added Iced Tea Feb 10, 2023

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Foodie Friday includes staying hydrated, and one of my fave ways is this amazing no-sugar-added iced tea. 

You’ll need:

2L jug

4 Twinings Raspberry Pomegranate herbal tea bags

1L boiling water

Pure lemon juice to taste (75-125mL)


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