HealthGirl Blog

Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Hang Out Together!

Building Solid Foundations, Helping You Fly Nov 26, 2023

Building solid foundations for your journey.

Clear your Tuesday and Thursday evenings in January because we're coming to help you soar emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Let's fly together in 2024!

Launching Monday, November 27, 2023 - it's almost here!



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Launching With Strength, It's Time to Get Moving Nov 25, 2023

Launching with strength! Get ready for a winter of fun, planting your feet firmly, moving with confidence, and reaching for unseen stars.

Brace yourselves, the excitement is about to unfold!

Wait and see, it's so worth it


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Get Ready, Something Amazing is Coming! Nov 25, 2023

Something amazing is on the horizon!

Our paths have aligned, talents combined, and community ideals joined forces.

Exciting news in just 3 days!

Stay tuned, you REALLY want to see this


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Weekly Affirmation: I Am Working to Make My Dreams Come True Nov 20, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am working to make my dreams come true."
Repeat it often.
Dreams aren't real, but you can make them real with a bit of work.
It will take time, but you're worth that investment.
Cheering you on,

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Dreams to Reality: Your Roadmap to Making Them Come True Nov 20, 2023

Hey there, Dreamer,

How often have you found yourself lost in the reverie of a dream or wish, only to shake it off as impossible, unrealistic, or just plain hard? We've all been there, tangled in the web of "someday" and "what if." But what if I told you that making your dreams a reality is not...

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Fall Into Balance Workshop Cancelled Nov 18, 2023

Hey friends, I'm sorry but I need to cancel our Fall Into Balance Workshop, originally scheduled for Sunday, November 19, 2023, as my dog is in the ICU and I need to be available for her.

I will reschedule the workshop as soon as I'm sure that she's okay so that I can give my full attention to...

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Weekly Affirmation: I change what I can, I breathe through what I canโ€™t Nov 13, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I change what I can, I breathe through what I can’t."
Repeat it often.
Life happens.
Do your best in this one life you have and celebrate the good that comes of your effort.
Understand that when things are out of your control, it's ok to let it go,...

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6 Wellness Keys to Manage Life's Curveballs and Thrive Nov 13, 2023

Hey there, wonderful friend,

Life has this funny way of throwing curveballs at us, doesn't it? Just when we've mastered the art of balancing work, family, and self-care, along comes a challenge that tests our resolve. But fear not, because today, we're continuing our November dive into the...

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Wellness Wisdom: How to Slow Down and Prioritize Self-Care Nov 07, 2023

Hey there, friend,

Life has a funny way of throwing obstacles our way, and sometimes, the biggest hurdles are the ones we create ourselves. We're often guilty of pushing ourselves too hard, even when our bodies and minds are whispering, "Rest, please."

One such obstacle is the reluctance to slow...

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Daily Affirmation: I allow myself to rest when I'm not 100% Nov 07, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I allow myself to rest when I'm not 100%."
Repeat it often.
'Tis the season of runny noses, coughs and colds.
It's also when we often ignore our bodies the most and "just push through".
Make this year different, and listen to your body.
Let yourself rest, it's...

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Daily Affirmation: I no longer compare myself to others Nov 06, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I no longer compare myself to others."
Repeat it often.
Look, society tells us to keep up with neighbours, outpace friends, and be better than random strangers on the internet.
It's all a ruse.
No one could ever compare to you, so stop comparing yourself to...

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Daily Affirmation: Everything I need comes at the right time Nov 05, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "Everything I need comes at the right time."
Repeat it often.
You have made it through every hard point in your life so far.
When you work for your life, everything will work for you too.
Trust that :)

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