HealthGirl Blog

Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Hang Out Together!

Thoughtful Thursday - Understanding Our Unique Silence Apr 28, 2022

(Image via @thegoodquote on Instagram)

How do we communicate with others?

How do we allow others to communicate with us?

Do we get quiet and really listen, or are we too busy?

So often we think we know the people in our lives, that we know ourselves, but how often do we allow those unique...

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Wellness Wednesday - Why a Home Practice is Vital for Your Health Apr 27, 2022

Welcome to the new HealthGirl AnyTime Studio! This video gives you a tour of our new unlimited content library and shows how easy it is to use.

Now, I know a lot of you are going to say, "Ugh, I can't do at-home stuff, it just isn't me!"

Fair. I know doing things for your wellness on your own...

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Wellness Wednesday - Touch the Earth Apr 20, 2022

Today, take a moment to connect to the Earth.

You know, that big, blue ball that floats through space?

The one we live on, but don't always give a second thought to?

Yeah, that Earth.

Connect with it today.

Earth day is coming and we need to realize that we are more alike with Her than we are...

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Wellness Wednesday - Breathe to Heal Apr 13, 2022

Let's take a moment, just a moment, and breathe.

Sit for a moment, finding your comfortable seat, so that you are sturdy and grounded.

Relax your shoulders away from your ears.

Place a hand over your heart space, another over your abdomen.

Feel your breath as you breathe naturally.

Just notice...

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Motivation Monday - Plan Your Week of YOU Apr 04, 2022

Happy Monday!

It's a new week - how will you make the most of it?

I don't mean by "being productive" in our society's sense of the word, where you judge your worth by your hustle or productivity or sales.

I mean, how will you make the most of your week with YOU?

Move your body at least 10...

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Self Care Saturday - How Do You Rest? Apr 02, 2022

Happy Saturday! Hopefully this is a day off for you (if not, re-read this on your "Saturday", whatever that is for you!), and I hope you are enjoying being in the present moment, at least a little bit.

Take a breath.

Let your shoulders drop from your ears, belly soften a bit.

Close your eyes.


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Foodie Friday - No-Sugar-Added Iced Tea Apr 01, 2022

So I've had this recipe floating around my house for a few years, and every time someone comes to my house I make it.


Because Every. Single. Person. LOVES IT.

Full Stop.

It's easy, affordable, non-caffeinated, no-sugar-added and incredibly delicious. Great for staying hydrated any time of...

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