HealthGirl Blog

Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Hang Out Together!

Self-Acceptance Guides Positive Change Apr 24, 2023

Are you struggling to make positive changes in your life? Do you find yourself feeling stuck and powerless to make progress toward your goals? It's understandable, especially after the last three years that have been so stressful for many of us. But what if I told you that the key to creating...

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Choose to Live - Monday Motivation Apr 10, 2023

Happy Monday!

How often have you heard, or even said yourself, "I would die for my family"? (If not family, maybe insert "child", or "spouse", or even "cat".)

When it comes to our loved ones, many of us say that we would die for them. But the reality is, dying is easy - we only do it once. What's...

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Motivation Monday - Start With a Mantra Mar 06, 2023

Ok, ok, so hear me out.

Mantras get a lot of bad press, mostly because we hear about them being spewed by people who only believe we should eat 'holy' foods that never cast a shadow, or who seem like they haven't bathed in about a million years, or tell us we should drink wheat grass shots while...

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Short 5 Basics of Self Care Feb 08, 2023

Welcome back - today we are talking in a short video about the basics of self care. Make sure to come back next week as we dive deeper into how this can look specifically for you!

These basics?





Treating Yourself.

What are your favourite ways to take care of...

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How to Start Any Program With Consistency Jan 04, 2023

*This is a transcript from the video for those that need subtitles or prefer to read* 

Hey friend it's a new year and so many are asking me, "How do we start a new wellness program?"

Maybe you're in that boat too! And so today I wanted to talk about that, but I also wanted to talk about how...

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It's Not Always Easy or Simple Jan 03, 2023

It’s not simple. 

We don’t all have the same 24 hours in a day, which means each person’s self care will be different. 

Yeah, I get it, I really do. 

I have a new puppy, getting me up in the middle of the night and I’m exhausted. 

But I’m still...

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Motivation Monday - Why I Started HealthGirl, And Why You Should Join Nov 16, 2022

So many people ask me, "Why HealthGirl? What's the big deal?"

In today's quick video, I talk about exactly that - why I started HealthGirl and why it is so important for your health and wellbeing to be a part of our community.

You see, HealthGirl was born out of necessity - I saw so many friends,...

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New Online July and August Hatha Session Now Open Jun 16, 2022

Ready to keep your consistency to yourself this summer? Join our online Monday Hatha classes in July and August - registration is now open!

So many people tell me they feel lost in the summer... they love vacations and more time with family, time outside in the beautiful weather, but their self...

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