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Step By Step: Breaking Down Goals for Success and Confidence

Jan 08, 2024

Hello Friend,

As we enter the second week of January, the fervour of New Year's resolutions can start to wane. The lofty goals we set on January 1st may feel more daunting than inspiring. But fear not! This is the perfect time to delve into the art of setting SMART goals—goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound so that you can reach your goals, build your confidence and feel ready to look to your next achievements.

Let's be honest: many people have stopped even trying to set New Year's Resolutions because most of the time, they don't stick for longer than a couple of weeks.

The allure of (the honestly toxic) "New Year, New Me", or even the more realistic but still massive New Year's Resolution often fades as reality sets in. It's not uncommon for discipline to waver, and the grand resolutions made with enthusiasm begin to feel like a heavy burden.

This is where SMART goals come into play.

Try to picture this: a series of achievable steps, like stones in a pathway leading to your ultimate goal. These are the essence of SMART goals—small, meaningful, and incrementally building towards success.

You start by breaking everything down into manageable pieces.

Why should we break down our goals? Because smaller tasks are easier to tackle, celebrate, and build upon. Each completed step is a victory, a confirmation that you're moving in the right direction.

You're building confidence, one step at a time.

Achieving smaller tasks isn't just progress; it's a confidence booster. The steady flow of positive achievements fuels your desire to keep moving forward, each step reinforcing your capabilities.

Reinforcing your capabilities helps build consistency.

Yes, some days will be tough. There will be moments when motivation wanes, and the path seems steep. But here's the secret: Consistency in small steps builds lasting habits. It's okay to backtrack; what matters is getting back on track.

When you get back on track, celebrate. Celebrate all of your victories, no matter how small. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath, indulge in a healthy snack, or take a guilt-free break. Rewards anchor positive behaviours.

Staying consistent is where we often struggle, and think we can "willpower" our way to success.

In reality, setting up systems makes consistency easier. Lay out your workout clothes the night before, or pack a nutritious lunch for work. Make your path as smooth as possible to pave the way for success.

Dear Friend, the journey to your goals is a series of steps, each as crucial as the next. Embrace the SMART goal methodology, and watch as your dreams become not just aspirations but tangible achievements.

Remember, progress is progress, no matter the pace. Every small step deserves acknowledgment and celebration. You've got this!

With unwavering support,


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