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Hatha Yoga: Strengthen, Stretch and Reconnect at Any Level Meghann Meghann in warrior 2 yoga pose

Hatha Yoga: Strengthen, Stretch and Reconnect at Any Level

Apr 23, 2024

Today we continue our series where we explore different types of classes that you'll find here at HealthGirl.

So far, we've looked at Back Care Yoga, FUNctional Fitness, Yin Yoga, Power Yoga, and Chair Yoga, and this week we will discover the benefits of Hatha Yoga at HealthGirl.

What the heck is Hatha yoga, anyway?

Hatha is a general, all-encompassing term for a yoga practice that helps describe using a series of postures, or asanas, often combined with breathwork and mindfulness to create a balanced experience.

At HealthGirl, we try to incorporate physical postures as well as breathwork, mindfulness, philosophy/themes and mantras to give students a holistic approach to a Hatha class.

This stretching and strengthening class uses foundational postures, suitable for most people. This is a great class to learn how to do yoga! Alternatives are always given to help those who need a gentler variation, and for those who would like to challenge themselves a little more. This class will vary from week to week to keep students' minds and bodies curious and engaged but will be accessible to beginners. Students are always encouraged to listen to their bodies and only do what is comfortable for them physically and mentally.

For this class, we recommend a mat, and perhaps some yoga blocks and a belt, non-stretchy scarf or yoga strap to help increase reach and modify any poses to be comfortable. A blanket and pillow may also help cushion during your practice. We will provide props for your in-person classes, though you are welcome to bring your own if you wish.

This is a great class for almost anyone - beginners and beyond!

Currently, we offer live online Hatha Yoga classes for free through the AnyTime Studio membership, which also has unlimited access to our great variety of recorded classes (from 15 to 60 minutes in length to suit your schedule and energy levels). You can try it risk free for 7 days here: 

Online Live Hatha:

Thursday 7:30 AM ET (45-minute class).

Saturday 9:00 AM ET (60-minute class).

We also offer an in-person class on Thursday at 7:45 PM ET, which at this time is a Hatha Sculpt & Flow class for beginners with some experience in yoga. In-person classes take place at North Dundas District High School in Room 130. While drop-ins are welcome, we recommend reaching out beforehand as some dates are full and some dates are unavailable. Email us at [email protected] for info and to pre-register.

As always, ask your doctor if you are unsure whether you are ready for an exercise program or not. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have at [email protected] 

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have, and please talk to your doctor if you have any health concerns that may become exacerbated by physical exercise. We always encourage my students to listen to their bodies and minds and to only do what is within their scope on any given day.

We can't wait to see you on your mat!

Cheers to your good health,


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